Monday, February 18, 2013

My Free Time

We have been getting to know each other. Here are some of the things we like to do in our spare time. Matthew: Beating dad on the XBox. Sofia: Reading and playing netball. Leah: Drawing and swimming. Shontelle: Spending time with dad. Zeus: Building lego and playing with lego. Bree: Playing with my dog Molly. Brooklyn: Playing my dog Chase. Flynn: Catching eels, experimenting with anything and playing FIFA 2013. Ben: Playing Minecraft on my iPod. Callum: Playing with my lego. Alice: PLaying with my cat and watching TV. Jared: Playing on the computer, playing Hotwheels and cuddling cute kittens. William: Playing Minecraft on the computer. Reuben: Playing Minecraft on my iPod or playing on my PSP. Bella: Playing with my cats and cooking with my mum. Taine: Drawing and playing on my PS3. Savannah: Playing on my iPod and playing with my dog Meadow. Alyssa: I like playing with my dog Chevy and going on my iPod and iPad.

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