Sunday, July 22, 2007

UFO Sightings

Here are some interesting parts from our stories.

The year is 3005. Faster than light travel is now a reality and the aliens after 10 years of war have landed on Earth . You are part of the Sparten 2 project genetically engineered for super fast reflexes, controlled at the speed of your mind.

By Jayden

ZOOM, BANG, CRASH, WALLOP. A brightly coloured UFO crashed into the park where the adults were drinking their coffee. "Arrgh!" screamed Lady Lolly.

By Cambria

The aliens were minute and cute. One of them was pink with white spots and the other was white with pink spots. The last one was green with red antennas.

By Alana

The alien tried to zap me. I turned and ran towards the alien ship. I tripped over and scrambled to my feet.

By Tommy

I heard a huge bang, so I look out the window and saw an enormous mysterious alien ship.

By Grace

An alien shot a laser gun at me. I only just got down in time. It smashed the window behind me, throwing glass all over me.



Anonymous said...

The stories are looking good

Anonymous said...

aliens have landed!!! By Tommy