For our inquiry study we are looking at self-esteem. This involves how our self-esteem can be affected. One of these aspects has been the influence of advertising.
Some key words we have looked at are:
Stereotyping- Having a fixed Judgement of people or group of people.
Self-esteem- Your opinion of yourself.
Discrimination- Unfavourable treatment because of race or gender.
You have all seen the Dove video.
1. Leave a comment about the video. Remember to think about how this can affect our self-esteem.
2. Create a list of ways we can build the self-esteem of others in class. Use your imagination, because we do want interesting and effective ideas that we can try out in class.
Your list can be written in your homework books, or as a comment on this post. Set your work out neatly, with a title and bullet points. Make sure you include your name on your comment.
* Our ultimate task is to make an advertisement to promote positive self-esteem.
They are not using the actual person.
By Alana
Wow that person changed big time.
she's changed completely
they should not do that because someone will want to look like her
That would really efect youer salfe confidents.
While she looks amazing at the end,she also looks pretty good at the beginning.
shes fine the way she is
Shes isn't real! Right declan?
She should just be happy the way that she looked at the start!!
I agree with ALL of you she looks amazing at the start so i dont see y she wanted to be changed completly when people that see that will think oh my gosh she is gourgousi want to look just like her when she looks completly diffrent to what she really looks like.
Hope you like it Deaclan
By Grace.S
people shouldn't change the way they look ,because they are fine the way they look.
She should just look the way she is.
That person is NOT real!
I think advertisers should tell the
truth and stop using computers to
cheat. This shows this company doesn't think she looks good enough (which she does) on her own.
by Lincoln
I think that the make up and computer makes her look better.
I think the better you look the more confidence you will have.
praise them when thay have done good things!
help them if it messes up!
it is not real person cos they changed her on the pc
1.you should not say bad things to people
2.help someone if they need help
3.say + things good to people
4.say to the teacher if you can say something to the hole class
5.go play with someone how has no one to play with
she has changed lots but that is not a real person so you should not want to be people like them.
by matt J
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